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The Big Knit 2018-19

Published on 15 October 2018 01:55 PM

Calling all knitters

Time to dig out those knitting needles for the Big Knit

It’s the return of the Big Knit campaign and Age UK Bradford District is calling on people to join in and get knitting!

Whether a knitting ninja, purling pro, crochet connoisseur or just keen to have a go it’s time to get wild about wool and join the Big Knit. Now in its 15th year, the campaign is recruiting knitters to help create an impressive 1.6 million hats to adorn innocent smoothie bottles. For each be-hatted smoothie sold*, Age UK receives 25p, and that money helps the Charity support older people who are facing later life alone.

Mark Rounding, Chief Executive Officer of Age UK Bradford District said: ““We need the people of Bradford District to join us and help knit as many miniature hats as possible this winter to help us hit our 2,016 target. It’s such a fun campaign to get behind and it does so much to help older people in our area.

“The money raised will make a big difference to the lives of older people by funding our hugely important services which include Information & Advice, Wellbeing & Engagement and Integrated Care. These help us to deliver our aim of enabling, empowering and supporting people to live well as active, engaged and influential members of their communities.”

Last year alone, more than one million hats were lovingly created nationwide, with designs including the hugely popular unicorn, grizzly bear, fluffy sheep and desert island.

Bara Amouyal, innocent drinks, said: “The Big Knit has had such an incredible amount of support over the past 15 years and we are hugely grateful – we love seeing what miniature creations the nation can come up with! Through the Big Knit campaign, we want to do everything we can to make a difference to the lives of older people.”

For more information on The Big Knit contact Age UK Bradford District on 01274 391190. Please send completed hats to Age UK Bradford District at 75 Wrose Road

Shipley, Bradford, BD18 1HX; 32 Kirkgate, Bradford, BD1 1QN or one of our other retail outlets across the district (see further details at:

This year’s hat knitting pattern is available to download, to find out more visit: