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New Age UK Bradford & District community services team will help older people access vital services

Published on 05 May 2018 04:38 PM

Age UK Bradford & District has launched a new Services Hub with the aim of providing a more person-centred service.

The hub, which will be the first point of contact for the charity’s services, aims to ensure that people access the help which is most suitable to their needs and situation.

It is being launched prior to charity’s national conference, being held in Bradford later this month.

The new service is based in the charity’s Information & Advice Centre at 32 Kirkgate, Bradford, and is available for people phoning or calling in.

A new team of ‘customer champions’ will make active referrals either to external agencies or the range of internal services.

Joanne Beetham and Tarandeep Kaur have joined the team as customer service champions and are available weekdays to provide information and support to older people, their families or carers.

It is hoped that as the service develops the champions will be available in other locations throughout the district.

Mark Rounding, chief executive at Age UK Bradford & District, said: “This is a really exciting opportunity for us to develop our services and our offer to older people in Bradford and district. Traditionally people have contacted us and asked for specific services, but this new team really puts older people in control and the services they are offered will be focussed on their circumstances and situation.’’ The charity was recently selected to be part of an innovative national programme, led by Age UK and the National Development Team for Inclusion, to test and develop person-centred services and their impact.

Age UK’s conference, open to the public, is at the Bradford Hotel on Thursday, September 21, from 10.45am to 1pm, followed by a community fair. Groups attending include Bradford Writers Circle, Mary Seacole Court Elders, the Equity Partnership, National Pensioners Convention and MESMAC alongside the Alzheimer’s Society, Carers Resource, Bradford District Care Trust and Positive Mind’s Worth Connecting2 project.

The hub can be contacted on 01274 391190.

Read the published article here

Read the original article published in September 2017 by The Telegraph and Argus.