Home from Hospital

- Location: Age UK Bolton
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Bolton - Head Office's catchment area.
Email: hfh@ageukbolton.org.uk
Telephone: 01204 390390
Home from Hospital is a free service based at Royal Bolton Hospital that offers up to six weeks of free support.
The service has two distinct sides: our post-discharge service, Safely Back at Home, which focuses on supporting patients after they have been discharged from the hospital, and our admissions avoidance service, Safe At Home, which is designed to prevent hospital admissions and help individuals remain independent.
Both services are delivered by a professional, friendly, and caring team that offers practical and emotional support. Their aim is to reduce hospital readmissions and provide a reassuring presence during recovery.
Safely Back at Home
Safely Back at Home (Discharge and Aftercare) is the main branch of our Home from Hospital service. It offers up to 6 weeks of free support to assist patients with recovery and independence at home.
Our comprehensive support includes:
- Collecting prescriptions
- Help to attend medical appointments
- Light cleaning
- Shopping support
- Support and encouragement with daily tasks
- Referral to other services, e.g. befriending, community activities
- Information and Advice, e.g. benefit entitlements, blue badges
Clients can be referred to our services via the hospital ward, A&E, community teams, friends and family, or self-referral. To make a referral, please download the form below and email it to hfh@ageukbolton.org.uk. Our team will then review the referral and contact the client to discuss their needs and how we can best support them.
Please note that this service is available to those aged 65 or over who live alone or are primary carers and have recently been discharged from hospital or A&E. We are here for you.
Home from Hospital Referral Form
Safe at Home
Safe at Home (Admission Avoidance) offers free support to prevent admissions to hospital and remain independent.
We can help with:
- Collecting prescriptions
- Help to attend medical appointments
- Light cleaning
- Shopping support
- Support and encouragement with daily tasks
- Referral to other services, e.g. befriending, community activities
- Information and Advice, e.g. benefit entitlements, blue badges
Clients can be referred via community teams, friends and family or self-referral. Please download the referral form below and email it to hfh@ageukbolton.org.uk
Please note that this service is only available to those aged 50 or over who live alone or are primary carers.