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Caring for You Too

  • Location: Age UK Bolton
  • Price: Free
Call 01204 382411 for more info

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Bolton - Head Office's catchment area.

Are you a carer?

A carer is someone who looks after a relative, partner, friend or neighbour who could not manage without your support. This may be due to illness, physical or learning disability, mental health issues, addiction or a child’s additional needs.

We want to make sure that all carers in Bolton are recognised as carers and can access the support and advice available to them and to which they are entitled.

As a carer, you may be new to caring or have been caring for many years. Your caring role may have increased over time. The care you provide may include shopping, household chores, taking to appointments, emotional support and personal care. You may or may not live with the person you care for.

Do you need help?

‘Caring for You Too’ is a 12 month partnership project between Age UK Bolton and Bolton Carers Support. This project will aim to identify unpaid carers not only at the point of discharge, but also within departments throughout the Royal Bolton Hospital. This will enable carers to get the right support at the right time, and for their own health and wellbeing to be considered.

Our support is provided by telephone, face to face and online. Carers can be referred by a health professional or can self-refer.

What we offer

- Cleaning and shopping support (free for up to 6 weeks)*
- Access to Bolton Carers Support confidential helpline
- Information and advice, including benefits support
- Short breaks, courses and workshops
- Telephone befriending service
- Full wrap-around service from Age UK Bolton and Bolton Carers Support

*Cleaning and Shopping support provided by Age UK Bolton’s wholly owned subsidiary Age UK Bolton Enterprises Ltd. 02904430

Contact us

Please contact Age UK Bolton on 01204 382411 or email to register or for further information.

You can also contact Bolton Carers Support 24/7 confidential helpline on 01204 363056 or email to register or for further information.