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Annual Report reveals how Age UK Bolton met the challenges of COVID-19

Published on 28 October 2021 02:55 PM

Age UK Bolton have released their annual report for the period in which COVID-19 was raising many challenges for almost everybody worldwide, especially those older, more vulnerable people.

As Age UK Bolton Chief Executive Suzanne Hilton states in her opening to the latest edition of the report, “There had never been a time in history where older people needed our support more. “

The Charity has been serving the local community since 1947, and the time between April 2020 and march 2021 saw come of the greatest challenges in its long history, from both operational and service delivery points of view.

The report shows how The Charity, adapted its working culture to make remote working possible while still ensuring that its key services were provided. Particularly the flagship “Home from Hospital” service which despite the pressures of COVID-19 still managed to boast an incredible readmission rate of just 2.36, almost a full 10% lower than the average readmission rate of Bolton for over 65s. IT also details how it adapted services such as befriending and its strength and balance exercise programme to ensure that they could still provide much needed support to the older people of Bolton.

Communications officer James Bailey said “We are proud of the work we did during the pandemic and we are proud of the way the charity managed to adapt the way we work and the way we serve Bolton’s Ageing community. This time period was one where many challenges were made and were met by our entire team. Our social prescribing, telephone befriending, welfare calls and Digital Inclusion programme all helped to combat loneliness and social isolation, which were more of a problem than ever as many of the people we support were required to shield, missing out on vital social interaction."

To read the Age UK Bolton Annual Report 2021, find out how Age UK Bolton can help you, or find out how you can support the work of the charity;  pop into the Square at 53-55 Victoria Square or pop to one of the many events that Age UK Bolton will be present at. Alternatively you can read the virtual version of the report here.