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£8 Million Pension Credit Unclaimed in Bolton: Age UK Bolton Can Help You Get What’s Yours

Published on 03 March 2021 11:07 AM

Recent figures released state that a massive £8 Million of pension credit lies unclaimed in Bolton alone. This is money that has been specifically set aside to help top up pensions. Could you or a loved one be leaving money on the table that has been earmarked specifically for you?

The average amount of Pension Credit unclaimed is £39 a week, that works out at more than £2,000 a year that could be going towards helping out paying bills, buying food or even going towards that holiday or break you want to go on.

Finding out whether you are eligible, and for how much you may be eligible is a quick process, it could take as little as 15 minutes and be as convenient as a phone call to Age UK Bolton.

Information and Advice Officer, at Age UK Bolton, Chiara Knott says “The amount of people that don’t think they are eligible, or that they should be taking it is the biggest challenge. This is money specifically set aside, the government has already spent the money; its just sitting waiting to be claimed, and we can help with that.”

Don’t leave money on the table, get what’s yours. To find out if you are eligible and for help and advice with your claim, call Age UK Bolton on 01204 382411 and ask for Chiara.