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Looking to bag a bargain, declutter your life, or volunteer? You can do all three at our charity shop on the border of Birmingham and Sandwell.

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Age UK Birmingham - Hamstead

Age UK Birmingham & Age UK Sandwell
34 Old Walsall Road
B42 1NP


Opening hours
Monday - Thursday, Saturday 9:30am - 4:30pm


About Age UK Birmingham and Age UK Sandwell Charity shops

We currently have one Age UK Birmingham and Age UK Sandwell shop, situated on the border of Birmingham and Sandwell, with us looking out for further opportunities across the city and borough. The money raised in this store from the sale of donated goods is used to transform the lives of older people within our communities.

Our fantastic shop stocks and sells a large selection of second hand items including:

  • Designer & high street fashion labels
  • shoes, bags & accessories
  • DVD’s, CD’s & books
  • jewellery & bric-a-brac

What ever it is your looking for, your sure to find a bargain.

Find out more about each of our shops below.

Volunteering at our shop

Our shop relies on volunteers for sorting stock, creating interesting window displays, and attending to customers. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please visit our volunteering page to see the charity shop role description and how to get in touch.

Visit our volunteering page

Shop online and raise money for Age UK BirminghamEbay logo

If you want to shop online from the comfort of your own home, why not visit our eBay for charity profile page? Our profile page includes any items currently being sold on eBay with some or all of the proceeds being donated to us, as well as make us a favourite, make a donation, or even sell items with a portion of the sale price being donated to us to help older people in Birmingham!

Visit our eBay for Charity profile