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Gift Of Christmas 2024

An older gentleman next to a Christmas tree

Published on 06 August 2024 11:03 AM

Not only is Father Christmas ramping up production at the North Pole, retailers countrywide are taking delivery of Christmas goods as the traditional "soft launch" of Christmas on the 1st September (along with Halloween) approaches (you might even see some Xmas items on the shelves already!)

It's time to launch the 2024 Gift Of Christmas campaign, where we look for corporate and organisational partners to bring a bit of magic back to older people who may be lonely and without any family or local friends this Christmas.

Do you or anyone you know work for a company or organisation who are up for putting a smile on an older person's face this Christmas? If so pop along to the main Gift Of Christmas 2024 page (button below) for more information and to register your employer or organisation for the most appreciated gift anyone can get at Christmas - the feeling of helping those who need it most!

The Gift Of Christmas 2024