Relaxation and WellBeing Taster Session

Published on 26 September 2023 03:41 PM
Age UK Birmingham and the Carers Project at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre are working together to offer a Wellbeing and Relaxation Taster Session for unpaid carers in Birmingham.
Wednesday 29th November 2023
11am - 1pm at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre, 11 Park Road Moseley, B13 8AB
PDFs of the leaflets are available to download at the bottom of this page.
Rest and reset your mind with guided relaxation breathing techniwuaes, a body-based movement activitiy and a morning focusing on your own wellbeing.
The Birmingham Buddhist Centre is a delivery partner of Birmingham Carer's Hub, running sessions and activities for unpaid carers for nearly 20 years. The project is secular and welcomes all faiths, backgrounds and genders. For more information about the project visit
Register for the event by calling 0121 437 0033 or you can email: