Former Chair Steps Down As Trustee

Published on 07 November 2022 12:13 PM
Elizabeth Phillips MBE with current Chair Of The Board Of Trustees, David Sykes.
At our AGM, next week, our former Chair, Elizabeth Phillips MBE, steps down as a trustee. Elizabeth was instrumental in the restructure of Age UK Birmingham, the reinforcement of Age UK Sandwell’s mission as well as guiding both organisations through the CoVID-19 lockdowns to support as many older people as possible in Birmingham and Sandwell.
Elizabeth joined the organisation after retiring as the CEO of Age UK Warwickshire, which she led for 25 years, and was duly elected Chair of the Board of Trustees of Age UK Birmingham, and later also the Chair of the Board of Trustees of Age UK Sandwell. This stalwart of the Age UK England Association of local Age UK charities cannot be easily replaced. We wish Elizabeth all the very best for the future.