Big Give Christmas Campaign 2024 - Pledgers Needed
Published on 06 August 2024 01:10 PM

For the first time, Age UK Bexley are participating in the Big Give Christmas Challenge to raise £6,000 in one week to support our Welfare Benefits service which continues to be high in demand.
Lots of older residents living in the London borough of Bexley are not claiming all the benefits they are entitled to either because they don’t know it or need help to make claims. A successful claim for Attendance Allowance, for example, could result in over £5,000 per person a year in extra income, which could make all the difference to someone’s wellbeing.
The Christmas Challenge utilises the Pledge Model of match funding. The Pledge Model offers supporters of participating charities the opportunity to double their donations with match funding provided by a charity’s pledgers and Big Give’s Champion.
The first step in helping us achieve this is to ask supporters to become Pledgers. Our goal is to secure £1,500 in pledges which could attract a Charity Champion to step in and match up to the next £1,500 donated when the Big Give Christmas Challenge goes live between Tuesday 3 December – Tuesday 10 December. Any funds raised from online donations during this period will then be matched by our pledges.
*The Big Give set a minimum pledge of £100 but no pledge money will be collected until after the Big Give Christmas Challenge ends and the maximum amount asked will never be above the sum pledged.
To find out more about this exciting Campaign visit The Big Give.
To pledge your support before the 30th August, please complete the form here.