Easy Shop

We assist with online grocery shopping for anyone who struggles with shopping.
What is Easy Shop?
Easy Shop is provided by Age UK Berkshire in association with local supermarkets to give you regular and reliable supermarket grocery shopping delivered to your home.
If you find it difficult to get to the shops, Easy Shop is designed for you.
How does it work?
- One of our team will visit you in your own home and set up the system for you.
- We will then telephone you at an agreed time to take your shopping list.
- We will place your order with the supermarket of your choice and arrange for them to deliver at a pre-arranged time.
How much does it cost?
In addition to the cost of your shopping, Age UK Berkshire make a charge of £8 each time we order your shopping, for arranging the service.
The supermarkets may also make a small charge for delivery.
But we know this is much more cost-effective than paying a Care Worker to do your shopping for you (which may cost as much as £40), so Easy Shop at £8 each time is cheaper and highly-recommended by our customers.
There is a £10 registration fee to set up the Easy Shop service.
Does it cover my area?
YES! We are able to provide this service in all parts of Berkshire.
It is especially useful if you live in a remote or more-rural area, although of course we are able to help you wherever you live in Berkshire.
What do I need to do next?
Call one of the numbers below or email us to set up for you or for a family member; then let Age UK Berkshire Easy Shop service arrange everything.
Contact Age UK Berkshire on 0118 959 4242 or info@ageukberkshire.org.uk
or directly to Easy Shop 01635 52 22 55 or easyshop@ageukberkshire.org.uk