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If you're a carer, Age UK Berkshire is here to support you

We understand the challenges you face as a carer, and our friendly, experienced and qualified team are here to help you with support, advice and guidance. 

Am I a carer?

A carer is anyone who provides unpaid support for a child or adult family member, partner or friend who needs help due to physical or mental illness, disability, frailty or addiction, and who could not cope without their support. 

From practical support and advice, to social events and friendships

We can help you with practical things like:

  • Support to help you in your carer's role
  • A Carer's Card (which helps with support for you and your cared for person in emergencies)
  • Information, advice and help with benefits
  • Planning for later life including information on wills and Lasting Power of Attorney
  • Carers' Rights information including legal rights to things like time off work

We can also help you with social and emotional support:

We support carers of all ages, who support people of all ages

Age UK Berkshire's support for carers is not just for older people, or those who are supporting older people. Together with our partner organisations in West Berkshire, Wokingham and Reading, we provide a comprehensive support system for carers of all ages caring for people of all ages, including young carers. 

Our Carers Partnerships mean we can support carers across Berkshire

Our partnership organisations are:

Being part of these partnerships means collectively, we can offer support, information and advice to carers across Berkshire in the following locations: 

- Reading
- Wokingham
- West Berkshire

Reading and West Berkshire Carers' Partnership

Age UK Berkshire is part of the Reading & West Berkshire Carers Partnership.

The organisations within the partnership can support carers of people of all ages, including those caring for older people (age 50+), with a range of issues, offering information and advice, access to services, and participation in our carers support groups.

The Reading and West Berkshire Carers Partnership is a collaboration between Age UK Berkshire, Reading Mencap, Communicare and Age UK Reading.

If you are caring for someone of any age in Reading or West Berkshire, contact: Communicare

If you're caring for a child or adult with a learning disability or autism in Reading or West Berkshire, contact: Reading Mencap

If you are caring for someone over the age of 50 years old in Reading: Age UK Reading

Age UK Berkshire is part of Wokingham Carers' Partnership

The partnership supports and helps carers of people of all ages in Wokingham to:

· Get support to help you in your caring role
· Find local services and sources of help
· Look after your health and wellbeing
· Connect with other carers
· Understand your rights

The Wokingham Carers Partnership is a collaboration between Age UK Berkshire, Promise Inclusion and Berkshire Youth.

If you're a carer aged 18 or under in Wokingham, contact: Berkshire Youth

If you're a carer looking after an adult or a child with a learning disability or autism in Wokingham, contact: Promise Inclusion