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We're a local charity working in the community to support older people, their families and carers. We want everyone to be able to love later life.

Who we are

Age UK Berkshire is an independent local charity, and we are part of the Age UK Brand. We believe everyone should enjoy later life, and we aim to improve the lives of older people across the county of Berkshire.

We provide a range of integrated health and wellbeing services, events and activities for older people across Berkshire, including:

  • Social activities and events including Dementia Cafes, Memory Lane Singing Groups, exercise and movement classes, information and advice events and more
  • A wide range of services including Home Help, Handyperson services, Dementia Support, Information and Advice, Home from Hospital and much more

Where you can find us

Our office is based in Reading town centre.

Visit our contact us page

How we are funded

We rely on your support to keep serving the community. We are supported by donations from the public, income from service delivery and some charitable grants.


We recognise how important it is to work in partnership with central and local government and voluntary sector organisations in order to ensure that the older people of Berkshire receive the services they need.

What we do

  • We give advice

    Our trained advisors offer free information and advice to older people and their families. Over the last year our advisors helped local older people to claim tens of thousands of pounds that they were entitled to.

  • We offer help at home

    We offer home support services to help with shopping, cleaning and gardening. We help over 100 older people to get their food shopping every month.

  • We befriend

    Our volunteer befrienders visit lonely older people in the community who have no one to talk to. We also support older people to re-connect to their communities and get out and about

  • We provide activities

    We have a wide range of activity groups and events across Berkshire to give older people the opportunity to keep fit, socialise, or learn a new skill.

You can contact Age UK Berkshire on 0118 959 4242 or email

More about Age UK Berkshire