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Age UK has launched our campaign with a set of policy calls that we want all parties to adopt,
“Age UK’s blueprint for improving the lives of older people”.

We’d like to see political parties include these policies in their manifestos and the next Government to implement them.



We need your help to engage the public and Prospectiv e Parliamentary Candidates (PPCs) across the country on the issues affecting older people including:

1. The income security from the Triple Lock staying in place and a reduction in pensioner poverty.

2. A reliable NHS where they can see their GP quickly and get hospital treatment within a reasonable timescale; and decent social care when its needed.

3. Our new Government creating a long term plan for older people and taking the lead in tackling the challenges and seizing the opportunities presented by our rapidly ageing population, and for older people's voices to be heard when big decisions are taken affecting them

How to get involved

Use this template letter to send the report to your MPs and start the conversation about how the next Government can support older people.

You can also share the blueprint on X/Twitter:

“We are convinced we can do better as a country with and for older people. And
whichever party wins the next General Election, Age UK stands ready to help.
Read Age UK’s blueprint for improving the lives of older people:

Constituencies and boundary changes

Parliamentary constituency boundaries will change at the next UK general election. Theboundaries of many constituencies will change for lots of constituencies, following a review of constituency boundaries across the UK. You can check which constituencies your Age UK will cover in this table.


Register to vote:

Make sure you can vote in the General Election on 4th July and register to vote by 18th June!

Register to vote