
Find all our latest news and stay up-to-date with the work of Age UK Bedfordshire
For information contact 01234 360510
News and Updates
Anglian Water Priority Services Register
Are you an Anglian Water customer? We can assist with registering you onto the Priority Services Register.
Food Boxes
With the recent increase in household costs such as utilities, fuel, food etc., Central Bedfordshire Council have funded our organisation to help those older people in most need.
The Big Knit
Little hats, big difference! Join us to knit little hats for innocent smoothie bottles and help raise money to support older people!
Spread the Warmth
Age UK Bedfordshire is working hard to help older people keep warm and well throughout the winter in a number of ways. Click to find out more.
Walking Football
Fancy a kick about? Click here to view details about Walking Football in Bedford.
Staying Safe
Read our tips about staying safe by clicking here.
Could You Be Our Next Fundraising Hero?
A big THANK YOU to the students who did some fundraising for us recently. Could you be next? Click here to get inspired.