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Helping You: Home from Hospital in B&NES

  • Location: Age UK Bath & North East Somerset
  • Price: Free
Call 01225466135 (Option 3) for more info

Age UK Bath & North East Somerset
Alexander House
James Street West
United Kingdom

If you are discharged from hospital in Wiltshire or Bath & North East Somerset our Home Services Team can help. People find this services invaluable to getting themselves back on their feet again. This short-term support helps practically and emotionally to build your confidence and connect you to groups and services within your local community.

Helping You Out of Hospital

Are you worried about getting home? Will you need help when you get there?
If you are an in-patient and live in Bath and North East Somerset or Wiltshire we provide short term practical and emotional support while you are on the mend.
We will help you get home and after settling you in, can check your house is warm and you have enough food. We can pick up any shopping or prescriptions you might need and help you practically round the house.
As well as dealing with the practical tasks, we know how beneficial it can be to have someone kind and supportive on hand to talk to when you don’t feel like your usual self so as well as a listening ear we can give you access to any information and advice you might need.

Helping you Stay out of Hospital

We also support people who are at risk of being admitted or readmitted to hospital.

Contact us: 01225 466135 (Option 2) or email

This is a FREE service commissioned by HCRG Care Group in B&NES & Wilts. We are proud to work in partnership with other third sector organisations: CWBH, The Carers Centre, The Stroke Association.