Make a Donation
The Cost of Living Crisis is affecting everyone. But the older people we work with are struggling. In fact, our Information & Advice Team are experiencing a staggering 30% increase in calls from people in need, and as a free service we rely on the generosity of our community to keep it running.
Please donate to help us continue to support those who are struggling the most.
Mr and Mrs Jones* have been renting the same house for years, but with rising costs, were struggling to pay their bills. They were sick with worry about being thrown out of their home with nowhere to go.
Gill, one of our advisors, helped them to claim a cost-of-living grant that supported them in the short term. Gill then helped the couple apply for a range of benefits which has given them long-term peace of mind. Mr and Mrs Jones can now stay, worry-free, in their home without and receive the support they need to stay living independently for as long as possible.
Last year we helped people claim an astonishing £1,046,902 to help them manage the rising cost of living, but we can only do it with your support.
It could cost as little as £60 to provide a benefit check with one of our experienced advisors.
We know times are tough for everyone, but whatever you can spare will make a huge difference.
*name changed to protect identity