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The NHS is in critical condition, but its vital signs remain strong

Published on 12 September 2024 08:00 AM

🚨 The NHS is in critical condition, but its vital signs remain strong. 🚨

As CEO of Age UK Bath & North East Somerset, I see daily how community services play a vital role in helping older adults live with dignity, independence, and good health. The Lord Darzi Independent Investigation of the NHS lays bare the strain on the health service, with older people often carrying the heaviest burden. But there are clear opportunities for positive change—through investment in community care, support for the Third Sector, and a workforce prepared for the future.

The report highlights a rise in long-term conditions among older people. By 85, nearly 90% will have two or more chronic conditions. Yet the NHS remains hospital-focused, leaving community care underfunded. This is a serious concern—extended hospital stays often lead to health decline, whereas community care can prevent admissions. Sadly, community services aren’t meeting demand, and over a million people are waiting for care—many of them older adults. 

Here in Bath & North East Somerset, the Community Wellbeing Hub is making strides by working with statutory services and the Third Sector, including Age UK Bath & North East Somerset, to provide the support older people need. From home adaptations to mental health services, we’re helping keep people well at home, reducing hospital admissions. 🌟

A key finding is that the NHS can’t function alone. The promise of Integrated Care Systems (ICS) includes the Third Sector, but it must be supported with longer-term contracts that allow organisations like Age UK to pay fair wages and plan for the future. 🔑

Technology is also a game changer. At the Community Wellbeing Hub, we use Riviam, a digital platform that transforms the hospital discharge process. It allows ward staff to quickly identify patients’ needs and make real-time referrals to over 30 organisations offering more than 80 services. It’s extraordinary that the Third Sector, through platforms like Riviam, has achieved more digital integration than much of the NHS. This is a powerful example of what’s possible when we embrace innovation. 🚀

None of these changes can happen without addressing the workforce crisis. Community services are struggling to retain staff due to burnout and underfunding. At Age UK Bath & North East Somerset, we are committed to supporting our workforce, but we need sustainable contracts from ICSs to ensure we can continue delivering high-quality care.

💬 Together, we can create a system that truly serves older people and leads the way in community-centred, preventative care.