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Why volunteer at our Day Centres?

Published on 18 July 2018 10:01 AM

Keynsham Day Centre volunteers"When I retired I wanted to give something back," says former teacher and now Keynsham Day Centre volunteer Linda Lade (pictured second from right with her fellow volunteers).

"I go home feeling pleased to have cheered someone up as our Day Centre members have no other contact all week. I think they really appreciate us."

Linda was inspired to volunteer for Age UK BANES by her mum, who previously was a volunteer for Age Concern. She has been helping out at the Day Centre for five years now. "I've got quite a cheerful personality and I though volunteering with Age UK BANES would definitely be me," says Linda.

"My mum was in the Hawthorns Care Home in Keynsham where the Day Centre is held and I used to see it going on when I went to visit her. I would see so many people who were upset that they never had any visitors of their own, so it's nice for people to come to the Day Centre and chat, play games and enjoy the entertainment.
"I enjoy talking to older people, many of them have fascinating stories to tell and it's really good to give them a bit of kindness."