Age UK Bath and North East Somerset - find out all about our latest news and campaigns, keep up to date!
Reaching out across the generations
Published on 30 July 2018 02:50 PM
A group of young evacuees from St John's Primary School in Keynsham arrived at our Keynsham Day Centre recently to he...
Befrienders needed to visit lonely older people at home
Published on 23 July 2018 02:10 PM
Could you spare just an hour a week to bring some joy back into an older person's life? Age UK BANES is looking for...
Why volunteer at our Day Centres?
Published on 18 July 2018 10:01 AM
"When I retired I wanted to give something back," says former teacher and now Keynsham Day Centre volunteer Linda Lad...
Our volunteers are simply the best
Published on 18 July 2018 09:52 AM
Our 200 volunteers put in hundreds of hours of effort for us every week and simply saying thank you doesn't always fe...
How to stay cool in a heatwave
Published on 25 June 2018 10:56 AM
Most of us look forward to the warmer weather and feeling some sun on our faces. But it’s important to be prepared fo...
Vote for Age UK B&NES in Tesco
Published on 06 June 2018 11:26 AM
Throughout May and June Tesco customers in Bath will have a chance to vote for Age UK B&NES to receive up to £4,000 a...