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Why not get involved and help Age UK Barnsley?

We welcome your involvement in Age UK Barnsley. There are numerous ways you can contribute and make a difference. Whether you're interested in volunteering, participating in fundraising events, or supporting our campaigns, your help is invaluable and greatly appreciated.

How you can get involved:

  • Fundraise for us

    Whether you want to walk, run, bake, or even jump out of a plane, we have loads of fundraising ideas and events for people who want to help us make a difference.

    Fundraise for us 

  • Corporate Partnerships

    A partnership with us could be beneficial for your business by helping you meet your corporate social responsibility objectives.

    It's a great way to motivate employees, gain insight into the over-50s market, get some great PR and help Age UK Barnsley to support vulnerable people in the local community.

    Work with us