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Comments and Complaints

At Age UK Barnsley, we are committed to providing high-quality services for older people at all times. Your feedback, whether positive or negative, is invaluable to us as it helps us improve and develop our services to better meet your needs.

Informal Procedure

If you have any comments or complaints, you can informally raise them with any member of our staff. All complaints will be acknowledged and thoroughly investigated by the Manager of the relevant service or department. You can expect to receive a response within 14 days.

Formal Procedure

For complaints that require a formal procedure, please address them to the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Age UK Barnsley. These complaints will be acknowledged in writing and investigated by an appropriate level Manager, who will be named in the acknowledgment letter. A response will typically be provided within 14 days. In exceptional circumstances where a response cannot be provided within this timeframe, you will be notified with an explanation within 14 days, and a full reply will be given within a month.

Right of Appeal

If you are not satisfied with the decision made regarding your formal complaint, you have the right to request a review by the Chief Executive Officer. This request must be made in writing within 14 days of receiving the decision. The Chief Executive Officer will conduct the review within 28 days.

Register of Complaints

A register of all complaints and their outcomes is maintained by the Chief Executive Officer of Age UK Barnsley. This register is regularly inspected by the Board of Directors of Age UK Barnsley.

Your feedback is crucial to us, and we appreciate your involvement in helping us deliver the best possible services to our community.