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Shopping Service

  • Location: Age UK Barnet
  • Price: £15.00
Call 020 8150 0963 for more info

The charge is £15 per month for a single person, which is reduced to £10 if the client is in receipt of means tested benefits. The charge is £20 if shopping for a couple, reduced to £15 if receiving benefits.

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Barnet - Head Office's catchment area.

Carefully vetted volunteers are matched with an older person in Barnet who is having difficulty in getting out to do their own essential shopping.


If you are in receipt of the following benefits, you are entitled to a reduced monthly charge:

Pension credit guaranteed
ESA Employment Support Allowance
Job Seekers Allowance
Housing Benefit
Council Tax Support
Universal Credit

The monthly payment is paid in arrears by standing order.

Who is eligible

The service is available to people who meet the following criteria:

• Aged over 70 and anyone aged 55-70 who has an additional health need
• Have no other method of getting shopping supplies.
• Able to communicate with the volunteer by phone to arrange the shopping list.
• Able to receive the shopping at the front door of the property.
• Able to arrange payment for shopping, using a bank transfer, cash or cheque.

How it works

The volunteer will contact the client by phone once or twice a week and will offer to do their shopping once a week. They will take down a shopping list over the phone, do the shopping and bring it to the client’s home, observing social distancing. We would expect essential shopping to be around 12- 15 items per week.

The client will need to reimburse the volunteer for the shopping either by cash, cheque or bank transfer immediately the shopping is delivered.

The volunteer may also be happy to do some other small errands such as posting a letter or collecting a prescription.

We will need contact details for the client, and also an emergency contact in case of unexpected situations.

How to access the service

Contact shopping co-ordinator Claire by phoning 0208 150 0963 or emailing