Scams Prevention Service

- Location: Age UK Barnet
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Barnet - Head Office's catchment area.
Telephone: 0208 432 2217
Our programme aims to help older Barnet residents from falling for scams by increasing their knowledge and confidence to recognise and deal with attempted scams. It will also provide support to older fraud victims recovering after an incident.
Giving you the tools to stay safe
Older people can be particularly vulnerable to fraud and scams, which can have a serious emotional and financial impact, and can damage quality of life and wellbeing for many.
Sophisticated scams have been on the rise during the pandemic with criminals devising even more ways to target those they believe to be vulnerable. This means it’s even more vital to support those that may be at greater risk.
What we can offer
• One-to-one support for anyone over the age of 50 who has concerns about scams, has been a victim of a scam or would like some tips on how to avoid them
• Group talks and presentations across Barnet to organisations supporting older people such as community groups, social groups and sheltered housing schemes.
• Up to date listings on the latest scams. For the link to our web page, click here.
To find out more about our scams prevention service, to enquire about a talk or to report a scam, please email or telephone 0208 432 2217 and mention that your query is about scams.
The latest scams
Regular updates on the newest scams
How to reduce the risk of a scam
Dealing with scam calls plus a list of useful resources and advice