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Personal grants

  • Location: Age UK Barnet
  • Price: Free
Call 020 8203 5040 for more info

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Barnet - Head Office's catchment area.

Money is available for essential items such as furniture and household appliances, clothing, housing repairs and mobility aids. Grants may also be given to enable older people to be accompanied by a carer when on holiday.

Grants cannot be made for ordinary living expenses (including rent and Council Tax), to repay existing debts or to pay for items that have already been purchased.

There is no upper or lower limit on the amount that can be requested. However, it is unlikely that applications for amounts over one thousand pounds will be considered.

The person receiving the grant must be over 60 and living in the London Borough of Barnet.

Applications should be made in writing and addressed to:

Personal Grants Committee
Age UK Barnet
Ann Owens Centre
Oak Lane
East Finchley
London N2 8LT