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Handyperson Service

  • Location: Age UK Barnet
  • Price: £30.00
Call 020 8150 0963 for more info

We charge an hourly rate of £30 and £20 per hour for those on certain means tested and disability benefits If we are at a client's property for 30 minutes or less, that will be charged at half the hourly rate.

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Barnet - Head Office's catchment area.

Age UK Barnet
The Ann Owens Centre
Oak Lane
N2 8LT
United Kingdom

Our vetted handyperson team carry out essential jobs around the home such as fitting a key safe, putting up curtains, fixing doors and cupboard doors. We do not charge for hanging a lightbulb and changing batteries in a smoke alarm.

What our handyperson team can and cannot do

What our Handyperson Service can help with:
• replacing light bulbs
• fitting security equipment such as door chains, locks and spyholes
• installing smoke detectors and alarms
• taking down and putting up curtains
• installing key safes which have been purchased from Age UK
• fitting grab rails
• minor repairs to furniture and moving and assembling small items of furniture
• unblocking sinks and replacing toilet seats
• fitting draught proofing

What our Handyperson Service cannot help with:
• Electrical jobs
• Plumbing and central Heating
• Roofing
• Decorating - painting and wallpapering
• Gardening

We can't do jobs that require a qualified tradesman such as electrical, plumbing or central heating.

Please note that replacing light bulbs and changing batteries for smoke alarms will remain free.

Lightbulbs can be supplied and will be charged at cost price. All other materials must be supplied by the client.

Materials must be provided by the client and parking also needs to be available.

Please ensure that the handyperson has a safe and secure place to park during his visit. If there are parking restrictions, then please provide the handyperson with a parking voucher.

Making an appointment

For an appointment call 020 8150 0963.
Opening hours are 9am-12noon on Monday to Thursday and 9-11am on Fridays.

Please leave a message - and we will aim to get back to you at the earliest possible opportunity

NB Barnet Homes clients can call 020 8080 6587 for repairs or emergency calls.


We charge an hourly rate of £30 per hour and £20 per hour for those on the following means tested and disability benefits*.

*Concessionary rate is charged for those in receipt of the following benefits:

Pension Credit Guaranteed

ESA Employment Support Allowance

Jobs seekers

Housing Benefit

Council Tax support

Universal Credit

If you are in receipt of the Higher Rate Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance and Enhanced Personal Independence Payment and you have less than £5,000.00 you will also be eligible for the reduced charge.

Please note that we will need to see evidence of the benefit you are in receipt of. This can be shown to the handyperson during the visit or a copy posted in to The Handyperson Service, Age UK Barnet, Oak Lane, East Finchley N2 8LT or emailed to

Payments can be made by cash, debit card or cheque and made payable to Age UK Barnet

Age UK London Boroughs Business Directory

If we can't help and you're looking for a reliable plumber, builder, or other local business, you could try the Age UK London Boroughs Business Directory which protects people from rogue traders by providing a directory of vetted professionals in Barnet and other London boroughs. Click on the link below to search the Age UK London Boroughs Business Directory or call 0800 334 5056 and a business directory staff member will happily search the directory on your behalf.