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Shelly volunteers every Tuesday at the Ann Owens centre with our Day Opportunities team, which organises fun and stimulating activities and events activities for people living with mild to moderate dementia

Why did you decide to volunteer?

I have volunteered a little in my life so when I stopped working about 8 months ago, I decided that I wanted to do something that wasn’t paid employment. I have worked with older adults in the past and as Age UK Barnet is close to where I live, it just felt like a very nice fit. I heard about volunteering here through the Volunteer Barnet website, and then contacted the centre directly to become a volunteer. Volunteering gives me a structure, so I have something to do each week and it feels like something I want to contribute to.

What my volunteering role involves

I work with the Day opportunities, which is a role working with people with early onset dementia in the day services centre here at the Ann Owens Centre. I help with the various activities that are provided, both social and cognitive. It’s a varied role - from making tea, helping serve lunches, taking part in activities with the clients and having one to one chats with them. This ranges from talking about when they were young, their memories of past events and often day to day news and events they have seen in newspapers or on TV.

What do you enjoy about volunteering here?

I really enjoy listening to the clients telling their stories - they have so much life experience and are more than happy to share stories with you. I feel confident speaking with people, particularly with dementia clients as that was the field I worked in. I am confident in knowing how to engage with people and how to deal with those dealing with dementia. It is very rewarding to see people who were possibly a little isolated and disgruntled, coming into the centre and enjoying their time here and getting something from the provision provided. Lots of the people enjoy coming here as there’s such a lovely atmosphere between the staff, volunteers and clients. It’s a nice place to be.

Are there any stand-out moments?

One of the ways in which the activities are run is taking topical celebrations - for instance, Easter, Passover Diwali or Hannuka - and making a little event out of it. A little while ago, it was the Afghanistan festival of Nowrus – the festival of spring. Lots of food was prepared, and one of the ladies, who is from Afghanistan, dressed up in national costume and did an Afghan dance for everyone. This gave us a little insight into other people’s lives. The clients really enjoyed the different tastes of food which we all got to try, people interacted, and it was really lovely to see and be part of. I think the tasting of different foods is hugely popular with the clients.

We also held a Chinese New Year celebration which again involved a Chinese platter –everyone tried new foods - many of us for the first time, so that was very engaging for everyone. Lots of memories came out with some fascinating stories being told. The Queen's Platinum Jubilee was also mentioned and clients reminisced about the last Jubilee and also the Coronation and street parties that they attended. These stories can be for another day!….

Become a day club volunteer

Please contact Lisa Robbins, Volunteering Manager on 020 8432 1422 or email to discuss the role.