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Sami started volunteering for us when the covid-19 crisis cut short her travels and she had to return home. During the pandemic, she has been shopping and phone befriending.

What have you been doing for us during the Covid-19 crisis?

I have been doing a weekly essential shop for a gentleman in my area who suffers from mental health problems. Although I do not have contact with him directly as everything is arranged with his housing manager, I feel like I have got to know him so well since I have pretty much managed to memorise his shopping list (As it is almost identical every week!).

I have also befriended a woman named Lizzie* and we have weekly telephone calls. What at first started off as a check in to offer my support, has now developed into a lovely friendship and I really look forward to the calls. I love listening to all of her life stories as they are always so interesting especially since she has lived all over the world. We have talked about everything, from stories of our childhoods to rating all of the Royal wedding dresses! It is crazy how quickly the time passes and our calls often last around 2 hours.

What are any highlights or touching moments?

One of my favourite moments has been when I dropped round an Easter egg and a home magazine on Lizzie’s doorstep, which were kindly donated to Age UK Barnet. When she answered I think she was so surprised to see me in person (from a distance of course) and it was really nice to finally put a face to the voice I have been speaking to. She was very touched and said the magazine was one of her favourites, so I felt really happy that it made her smile.

Why did you want to help?

I first started volunteering at Age UK Barnet after I graduated, mainly helping with fundraising and events. Since then I have worked and travelled but had to cut my travelling short due to covid-19.

Since returning home I knew I wanted to use my free time helping people, and so the coronavirus support volunteer was the perfect opportunity to help those that are most vulnerable during this difficult time. I am also really close with my 93-year-old nan (We are lucky enough to live next door!) and so it was clear to me how important it was to reach out to older people who may be struggling or feeling lonely.

What you are getting out of helping us during this time?

I think that it is so lovely how volunteering can bring people together whose paths may never have crossed, especially during this unprecedented time. I have found it really interesting to get to know someone with a completely different perspective of life to me and be able to share my own experiences with. It is also very rewarding knowing that I am using my time to help others and that they are grateful for the support.

*Name has been changed