However much you can give, whether it is a regular payment or a single donation, we guarantee that every penny will be spent supporting older people in Barnet. Please help us ensure that our services remain avaialble.
Ways to give
Donate online
Donating online through JustGiving is quick, easy and secure. You can make a one-off donation or a regular monthly donation or even create your own fundraising page for an event you are planning.
Donate by cheque
If you would like to write us a cheque, please make it payable to Age UK Barnet and pop it in the post to us.
Leave a legacy
Leaving a gift in your Will enables us to provide vital services that older people in Barnet rely on. Every gift in every Will, no matter how large or small, makes a difference.
Payroll giving
Payroll giving is an easy way of giving on a regular basis. It enables employers and employees to jointly 'make a difference'.
Donate in memory
Pay tribute to the life of a much-loved friend or relative by making a donation to Age UK Barnet in their memory.
Set up a standing order
Regular donations made by standing order provide vital, ongoing income, helping us to plan ahead and cut administration costs, meaning more of your donation is spent on helping older people in Barnet. You can give monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually.
Sign up for Gift Aid and make your donation worth 25% more!
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can boost your gift by 25%