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In an age-friendly community, policies, settings and structures that support and enable people to actively age are put in place. The WHO defines active ageing as:

“The process of optimising opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance the quality of life as people age”.

Creating an age-friendly environment in Barnet has never been more important; we currently have the 2nd largest population of over 65s in the London Boroughs and this population is set to rise by 55 per cent by 2041. Making sure that everyone has the support they need to actively age is something that we should all strive towards to enhance community life for all ages.

In June 2023, Barnet became a member of the UK Network of Age-friendly Communities. This Network will provide us with guidance, connections and support as we work towards making our community services and infrastructure more age-friendly.

This is a community-focused and community-organised project. Any changes which occur as a result of this project will have been identified or inspired by older voices and will always be fed back into our community for all to benefit from.


Save the date! Silver Sunday in Barnet 2024 - Sunday 6 October 2024 (11am - 3pm)

Takes place at Middlesex University again! More details here.

Age-friendly Call to Action

The Age-friendly Barnet call to action was launched on 6 March 2024 at the Arts Depot in North Finchley in the presence of the mayor, councillors and other key players in the drive to make Barnet more age-friendly - and over the next two years Age UK Barnet will initiate eight new projects. Click here to read more about our upcoming plans.


Age-friendly survey - results

To kickstart the project, Age UK Barnet sought the views of Barnet residents to gain a better understanding of the current barriers to ageing well within our community. Over 1,000 Barnet residents responded - see some of the results here.

The results of this research will help us build a strategy to enhance and improve community life in Barnet in areas such as housing, outdoor spaces and social inclusion.

Age-friendly pop-ups around the borough

Come and meet our Age-friendly champions and find out about activities and events for over 55s in the borough. Click here for a list of venues and dates.

Silver Sunday event - official launch of Age-friendly Barnet event

A fun-filled day of activities and advice for the over 50s took place at Middlesex University and over 600 people came! Find out the highlights plus photos from the day here.

To get involved and find out more about Age-friendly Barnet, please contact Pippa on 07379 331807 or email her on