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We run  a number of activities and services in Barnet for people living with dementia and their carers. 

Current Age UK Barnet activities for people with dementia and the people who care for them

Seniors Choir: every 2 weeks on Tuesdays 11am-12noon at The Ann Owens Centre,Oak Lane, East Finchley N2 8LT. Choir master Jenny La Touché will be leading the class.  For details on how to join in, email  or phone 020 8203 5040.

Dementia Cafe and carers group: The first Monday of each month from 2-4pm. For people living with dementia and their carers. Carers have the option of joining a separate carers group - a chance to meet others, share tips, and gain information about the condition and the services available in the area. Includes refreshments.Takes place at the Friends Meeting House, 55 Leicester Road, New Barnet EN5 5EL. For more information call our dementia advisers on 020 8203 5040 or email

Flower Arranging For People Living With Dementia:  Fridays. From 10.30am – 11.30am.  Friends Meeting House, Leicester Road, New Barnet EN5 5EL.  Specifically for people living with dementia.  Cost is £48 for six week course payable in advance (£8 per class).   We are unable to provide personal care/support – carers welcome to stay.  To find out when next course starts and to book a place call Helen Nicolaou on 07384 466840 or email

Living Well Day Opportunities

We have day opportunities for people living with dementia in our venues in East Finchley (Tuesday and Thursday) and Hendon (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Click here for our Day Opportunities page.

Dementia befriending and stepping out service

We match volunteers with clients living with dementia for companionship. Click here for details.


Other options around Barnet


Alzheimer’s Society Singing for the Brain Singing, seated exercise and refreshments for people with dementia and their friends, family and carers. Takes place at The Eversfield Centre, 11 Eversfield Gardens, Mill Hill NW7 2AE. Thursday’s 10:30am-12:30pm. To book a place email. Tel. 07522 219 363

Jewish Care Barnet Singing for Memory – Singing session for people living with conditions that affect memory – For the Jewish community. Monday’s 1.30 –3.00pm at Finchley Reform Synagogue, 101 Fallow Court Avenue, London N12 0BE. A suggested donation of £4.00 per person is welcome. Refreshments are served. If you wish to attend please apply for an application form from Finchley Reform Synagogue on 020 8446 3244 or email

Dementia Friendly Swimming Sessions - Thursday's from 12noon - 1pm Finchley Lido Leisure Centre hosts free casual swimming sessions for those living with dementia and their carers. Takes place at Finchley Lido Leisure Centre - Great North Leisure park, High Rd, London N12 0GL. FREE OF CHARGE (Including Carers). For more information please contact

Other activities

Dementia Club UK - runs online activity sessions for people with dementia and their carers throughout the week.  Every session includes some form of light exercise and musical entertainment, and there are quizzes, singalongs and Bingo. Tea/coffee and cakes are provided.. Click here for the 2024 timetable including the new dementia walking football sessions.

Barnet Carers - provides support, advice and activities for unpaid, informal, carers across the borough. Click here for the website. Click here for upcoming activities - including yoga, coffee club and pilates..

Jewish Care - runs a variety of support groups including Memory Way Cafes, Singing for memory and a family support group for the Jewish Community.. Click here for all the details.

Carlton Court Memory Cafe at Carlton Court, 112 Bells Hill, EN5 2SQ held bi-monthly on the second Wednesday of the month. A chance to chat with others living with dementia and their carers over a cup of tea and a slice of cake.  Regular talks from Admiral nurses, Visiting Angels and Age UK Barnet dementia advisors. Carlton Court have a  ‘Magic Table’ to use with their wellbeing team. Future meet ups include 8th November 2023, 10th January 2024, 13th March 2024, 8th May 2024, 10th July 2024, 11th September 2024, 13th November 2024. Just email or telephone 020 8447 4790.

Art therapy for all. Free art therapy course for unpaid carers. Starts Tuesday 15th March (11.30am) running for 8 sessions once a week. To book a place or find out more, please contact Katherine Heritage - Art psychotherapist:on

Arts 4 Dementia is an organisation that supports people with dementia and their carers  through art, singing and dance. Click here to find out about their zoom activities.

Memory Lane Café and Carers Club. For anyone experiencing memory problems and their carers. Friday’s 10:45am-1:45pm. Takes place at 373 Bowes Road, Arnos Grove, London, N11 1AA. Please note everyone has to be accompanied by a friend, relative or carer.Cost: £3.00.  To book a place contact Mandi: 07961 881453 or Adrian: 07788 429470.

Playlist for Life - community groups in the area are being encouraged to help bring the power of personal music to help those living dementia by setting up a Playlist for Life Help Point. A Help Point is a place where people can get information about creating and using a personal playlist to help someone living with dementia. Click here to start a Playlist for Life Help Point. Click here for a free webinar on music detective skills. Click here for other resources.

Opening Doors London - run a series of online support groups for LGBTQ+ people living with dementia; concerns about memory loss or memory impairment; or looking after someone with dementia and other cognitive problems.Click here for more information.


Music and dementia

Age UK Music and dementia – Info and resources here

Dementia UK – music and dementia – Info and resources -

BBC Music Memories – Music through the decades to spark memories -

Playlist for Life – Create a personalised playlist of music

Music for Dementia  - Promoting the value of music in dementia care -

Music for Dementia Radio – Themed radio stations for people with dementia

Music radios and songbooks for people with dementia

Music ideas to prompt conversation and memories -

Music Mirrors – Helping people with dementia to link memories with music -


Meadowside Day Centre 

Provides stimulating activities for people with advanced dementia.

Address: 60 Holden Road, Finchley, London, N12 7DY. Call: 0208 492 6500 press option 2. Day runs from 11am-4:30pm. Cost: £78.40 per day. Email: Kelly Cordani –


Carers support groups

Barnet Carer’s Centre Carer Support Meeting – second Wednesday of the month 2-3pm. A support group for carer’s of people with all conditions, including dementia. For more information or to join please contact Killian via email on

Dementia Club UK Carer’s Support Group Meeting – Tuesday evenings 7pm-8:30pm on Zoom – Time for carers of people with dementia to ask questions, share concerns and receive medical advice from GP and Trustee of Dementia Club – Tel. 07956 858 913

Jewish Care Dementia Carers Tea

For family carers supporting someone living with dementia in the Jewish community. Meeting once every 2 months on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 2pm to 3pm The Sam Beckman Centre. For more information contact Catherine on

Caring For You

A group for carers supporting someone living with dementia in the Jewish community. You will have the opportunity to meet others in a similar situation within a supportive space, share ideas, receive information and hear advice from trained staff. Meeting virtually on Zoom (via landline, mobile phone, tablet or computer). For more information, contact


Information on dementia prevention, dementia and living with dementia

The Alzheimer's Society has many useful links and resources on their website - Click here.

Dementia UK is also a good place to find useful resources and information. Click here for the Dementia UK website.

Rare Dementia Support (RDS)- RDS advises and supports 4500 members living with a rare dementia or caring for a loved one with dementia by phone and email and in person. They offer monthly online peer support groups, larger in person meetings in central London, and webinars. Members need to have a diagnosis of rare dementia (as stipulated on their website) in order to sign up as a member and gain access to their support services. Click here for the website. Click here for the online form on becoming  member.

Dementia Prevention UK is a charity committed to providing knowledge, support and tools to prevent dementia. For more information, email or check out their website here.

If you have any dementia-related enquiries please contact our dementia advisers on 020 8203 5040.

What's on guide for over 55s in Barnet