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Teacher Natalie visits once or twice a week for about an hour when they have a cup of tea and chat about their weeks. 

'I feel like although we have a 66 year old age gap we have the same humour and she genuinely brightens my day.

Being young and having lived in London for eight years with no family around can sometimes be difficult but it feels like Joan fills that gap for me and I can pop round whenever to see her smiley face.

She also says I make her feel happier when she’s having a bit of a down day so the feeling is mutual.

Before Christmas, my school in High Barnet had a museum theme where all the children brought in something old and wrote about it. It was open for parents to come and look at all the old things such as war medals, radios and toys.

Joan and I went to visit my school and looked around and she was able to tell me about things she used to have when she was younger. It was fascinating and I learned so much - and also just a lovely day out. It was great to be able to introduce her to some of the little children that I look after and their parents. 

She really is my number one and I feel priviledged to know her.'