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Since Alice has had wheelchair training, they take trips out more often

‘We talk about art and Spain’

Ana is only in her late 50s. She moved into a care home after an autoimmune disease left her without sight and reduced mobility. Although happy in her home, her sister lives 100 miles away and the rest of her family live in Spain and the care home support staff thought she'd benefit from some company and extra stimulation.

Age UK Barnet's befriending service then matched Ana, who loves art and used to work as a designer, with local artist Alice and they hit it off straight away.  

They talk about art, friends and Spain and, as Alice has Spanish and Portuguese roots, sometimes they talk in Spanish. This is like a lifeline to Ana, who has no one to speak to apart from her weekly visits from her sister. They have a lot of fun together. They do art projects - for instance, Alice has brought her in plasticine to model. She has also helped Ana with her ipad and phone to keep in contact with friends and find out about art events.  

Now the weather is better, and Alice has had some training in using the wheelchair, they are going out for coffee. This is a welcome relief for Ana who relishes the change of scene. Ana now really looks foward to Alice's weekly visits..

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