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Scams Bingo to raise awareness

Published on 13 March 2023 10:55 AM


Age UK Barnet has teamed up with UK Finance’s Take Five to Stop Fraud on  to host a series of free-to-play Scam Bingo games to support local older people to protect themselves against fraud and scams.

Research conducted for UK Finance’s Take Five to Stop Fraud campaign shows that 87 per cent of over-65s say they are confident about spotting the signs of fraud, although only 20 per cent have heard of all the five most prevalent types of authorised push payment (APP) fraud. The survey showed that the average loss for a fraud victim in the UK is £1,381.

In response to this threat, Take Five has developed a free to play Scam Bingo game to help people learn about the most common types of fraud and scams.

Age UK Barnet has taken on the challenge and local members and attendees - includig some traditional bingo lingo’ to help people watch out for approaches from fraudsters. For example:

· Knock at the door #4 Ignore suspicious requests for your personal and financial information

· Unlucky for some #13 Don’t let criminals get lucky with your money

· Up to tricks. #46 Criminals will use tactics to con you into making an ‘urgent’ payment


Players will also learn the straight-forward and impartial advice from Take Five to Stop Fraud which can help people protect themselves from financial fraud:

· STOP: Take a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe.

· CHALLENGE: Could it be fake? It’s ok to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.

· PROTECT: Contact your bank immediately if you think you’ve fallen for a scam and report it to Action Fraud.


Helen Nicolaou from Age UK Barnet says: “We had so much fun playing Scam Bingo at our first event. Everyone learnt how to identify scams and fraud, the different tricks criminals use, and the steps to take to stop criminals in their tracks by challenging all unexpected requests to share personal or financial information. We hope this has empowered our community to feel confident saying no or ignoring future attempts to commit fraud by criminals.”

Katy Worobec, Managing Director of Economic Crime at UK Finance, said:

“While our research shows over-65s say they are confident about spotting fraud and scams, it is crucial to understand the changing tactics criminals use to convince people they are legitimate. That is why we've created Scam Bingo to empower people to challenge all unexpected requests for their information – it’s a fun way to connect and learn how to protect ourselves from fraud and scams. It is important to remember the advice of the Take Five to Stop Fraud campaign and to stop and think when faced with requests for payment or personal and financial information.


Upcoming Scams Bingo events

22nd March (1.30-3.30pm)         

St Barnabus Church, 913 Hight road n12 8QJ

28 March (2-4pm)           

Colindale Community Trust, One Stop Shop, The Old Library, The Concourse, Grahame Park, London NW9 5XA


Please contact Helen on or phone her on 07384 466840