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Woodcroft Primary raises over £350 for Age UK Barnet

Published on 15 October 2018 02:43 PM

Children at Woodcroft Primary making a harvest coin picture from donated coins

A huge thank you to Woodcroft Primary school and the community of parents, pupils and teachers for raising £353.74 to help Age UK Barnet provide activities and services for older people in Barnet.

They came up with the ingenious idea of collecting coins which the children then turned into a wonderful harvest coin mosaic. This gorgeous picture was made from the 13,426 coins that were collected from Woodcroft Primary School families.

Woodcroft Primary coin picture creation


Earlier in the week, our wellbeing manager Joanne visited the school to judge Woodcroft School's Harvest Hamper Decoration Competition,  and the school is kindly donating the hampers to us to give to some of our clients.  "The pupils decorated their hampers beautifully," says Joanne. "And the clients who receive one of them will be incredibly lucky.'

Our wellbeing manager Joanne judging the harvest festival hamper decorations