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What we do

An older lady taking part in a physical activity class, with her arms around others

Every older person should be included and valued

Through campaigning, local support, advice and friendship, we’re changing the way we age.

How we help

Getting advice

Specialist, impartial advice

Whether it’s a question about care, money, health or housing, a call to our free advice line, a visit to our website, or a face-to-face appointment at a local Age UK can help change older people’s worries into answers.

Friendship services

From weekly chats on the phone and local in-person befriending to round the clock support from our Silver Line Helpline, we’re changing loneliness and isolation into comfort and connection.

Research and campaigning

We’re an expert voice on ageing, changing the way older people are treated and represented in society. We work with local, national and international policymakers to challenge inequalities and push for the changes that’ll improve older people’s lives.

Local services and support

Local Age UKs deliver services like help at home, exercise classes and digital inclusion, using their expert knowledge of their area to transform older people’s health, wellbeing and finances.

Our strategy

Our vision is of a world where every older person feels included and valued. We've set ourselves an ambitious strategy to help us get there. 

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Annual reports and accounts

Learn more about what we achieve for older people each year, how we much we raise and how much we spend. 

How we raise our funds

Fundraising is our most significant source of income, powering all we deliver for older people. We’re tremendously thankful to our supporters for making our work possible. 

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