Write your Will for FREE
Write your Will for FREE today with our online, telephone or face to face will writing offer.
Help us raise funds whilst enjoying yourself!
Join our community of knitters to produce little hats for Innocent Drinks.
See our November - December 2024 newsletter by clicking the Download Newsletter button.
Age UK Waltham Forest needs your help to support people in need during the coronavirus pandemic. We’re working hard to ensure our vital services can continue for residents of Waltham Forest.
If you can, please help us by making a donation.
If you would like to volunteer to help older people in Waltham Forest please visit our volunteering page.
We have been working with Leyton Sixth Form College media students who have made a promotional video of the work we do.
Balance and exercise classes for the over 60s.
These are aimed at all older adults, including those with limited mobility.
Age UK Waltham Forest aims to support residents of Waltham Forest by utilising volunteers to make a positive impact in people's lives. Could you join our team?
Silver Surfers Computer Classes for adults aged 50+.
Sessions are designed to be interesting, entertaining and easy to understand.
It’s important to look after your feet, as this helps to keep you mobile and as independent as possible.
We have developed a basic toenail-cutting service at a reasonable cost.
The Citizens Advice Help to Claim service can support you in the early stages of your Universal Credit claim, from the online application, through to support with your application before your first full payment.
It’s a free, independent, confidential and impartial service provided by trained advisers from Citizens Advice. They can help with things like how to gather evidence for your application or how to prepare for your work coach appointment.
Call for free:
0800 144 8 444 (England)
08000 241 220 (Wales)
Get support online or find your nearest face to face service at citizensadvice.org.uk/helptoclaim
We offer you free, confidential and expert advice through our information service. If you need to know about social care, housing, scams or legal issues, we are here to help.
Alleviate loneliness and restore confidence by using our befriending service.
We offer a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers.
Need a bit of help with your finances? Need help filling benefits claim forms? We are here to help.
Use the Age UK London Business Directory
Take action to change your life for the better
Our quality marks
Age UK Waltham Forest has achieved the Age UK Charity Quality Standard (CQS). The CQS is externally assessed by quality assessment experts, SGS.