Information and advice: Staying safe and warm
- Location: 9 Napier Court
- Price: Free
9 Napier Court
Barton Lane
OX14 3YT
United Kingdom
Telephone: 03454 501276
Together with leading gas distribution company, SGN, we provide essential support to help people to stay safe and warm in their homes.
What we do
• Carbon monoxide (CO) safety: We can help you understand the dangers of CO and provide free carbon monoxide detectors to the most vulnerable.
• Benefits and entitlements advice: We provide in-depth advice to those living with dementia and their carers.
• Safety devices: We share information about locking cooker valves, which are a free gas safety device primarily for those living with dementia.
• The Priority Services Register: We can support all eligible older people to sign up to the register so that they receive priority support in the event of a power, water or gas outage.
• Home improvement information: We can link you into support service Better Housing Better Health for information about how you can make your home both warmer and more energy efficient.
• Community Outreach: We deliver community events and workshops to raise awareness about energy efficiency and safety.
For more information on any of these topics, or about anything else connected to staying safe and warm in your home, please contact us.