This Year's Christmas Appeal 2024
Our focus this year is Age UK Exeter's FREE Information & Advice service.
Why it's urgent:
Considering the changes to winter fuel payments, we are focusing our Christmas appeal on this vital project, Age UK Exeter's Information & Advice Service.
Research shows that the cut to this payment could impact 4,000 additional winter deaths. Millions of struggling pensioners up and down the country won't receive up to £300 which many rely on to pay their bills.
We believe as many as 2.5 million pensioners, who find paying their energy bills a real stretch, will be seriously hit by this cut.
We need your support!
In the last year the number of clients using our Information & Advice Service has increased by 25% with 90% of these appointments being for help with benefits.
By the end of this year we predict this project will have supported 575 older people!
We DO NOT receive statutory funding and must apply for grants and trusts to run all of our charitable projects.
To run our Information & Advice Service it costs £30 for every 2 hour consultation.
- An Attendance Allowence benefit claim can take over an hour.
- A benefits entitlement check (once information gathered) takes 30 miniutes.
- A Blue Badge claim takes 30 miniutes
Please help this vital service continue to help older people in Exeter!
Click Here to find out more about this year's Christmas appeal