Personal Safety Project (Falls Prevention)

- Location: Age UK Croydon
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Croydon - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK Croydon
81 Brigstock Road
Thornton Heath
United Kingdom
Telephone: 02086 860066
Our Personal Safety Service aims to help older people who have fallen or are at risk of falling at home, by identifying and helping to reduce risks and hazards and to promote independence in the home.
What is the Personal Safety Project?
Our Personal Safety Service(PSP) is a free service which aims to help older people who have fallen or are at risk of falling at home, by identifying and helping to reduce risks and hazards and to promote independence in the home. The service is available to anyone aged 65 and over who lives in the Borough of Croydon.
For anybody who has experienced, has a fear of or is at risk of falling, we carry out a comprehensive risk assessment to highlight potential causes of falls in the home.
How PSP can help you
• Following our risk assessment we can arrange for additional stair rails, grab handles and other aids to be supplied and fitted, free of charge.
• As part of NHS Croydon's Integrated Falls Team, we can make an onward referral to other services, such as assessment by occupational therapist, or domiciliary physiotherapy, for those with more complex needs.
• Following referral and initial risk assessment visit, the project can provide ongoing telephone support for up to six weeks to monitor the risk of further falls.
Get in touch
For further information, or to book a risk assessment, please telephone 020 8683 7105/6 or send us an email
Our team is also available for opportunities to give a talk to promote our service to organisations such as lunch clubs, day centres, neighbourhood care groups, church groups etc. To book a talk, please use the contact details above.