About us

We're a local charity working in the community to support older people, their families and carers. We want everyone to be able to love later life.
Who we are
Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is a charitable incorporated organisation registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales with registered charity no.1165856.
Where you can find us
Our registered main office address is:
Frans House
Fenton Way
PE16 6UP
We also have offices at:
The Cherry Trees Centre, St Matthews Street, Cambridge CB1 2LT
Please note our offices are closed to the public. Office visits are permitted by appointment only.
How we are funded
Some of our services are commissioned by the Local Authority and NHS. We are also supported by donations from the public, some charitable grants and income from legacies. We rely on your support to keep serving the community.
What we do
We provide information
We provide rights based information which older people and their carers can use with confidence to make informed decisions and choices.
We offer practical support
We support older people to remain independent in their own homes.
We reduce social isolation
We aim to reduce social isolation by bringing people together, providing opportunities to meet people and develop friendships.
We campaign
Our campaigns every year aim to reduce loneliness and isolation, to promote wellbeing and activity, to support aging well. As an independent charity, we must also raise all our own funds to deliver our services.
Strategic Plan, Annual Reviews and Impact Statements
Strategic Plan, Annual Reviews and Impact Statements
Policies and Procedures
Here is a list of all our staff and volunteer policies and procedures.
If you need to print our leaflet, use our print version